Saturday, September 19, 2009

Webquest Adaptations Continued

There are a few changes I would like to make to the webquest that I chose. First of all, the introduction is a little stale. There is nothing much going on graphically. The intro. is short and needs more information that is written in a way that will engage the student a little bit more. I like the concept behind the task. I would (perhaps) change the art task and I would definitely change the library task. The art task is OK for the age group, it may just need a little improvement. The library task needs (at the very least) a review of all of the parts of a book and perhaps some other information incorporated. I don't feel that sitting down and looking at a book is an appropriate webquest task. There are very few links on this webquest and although it is clear, concise, and simple, it just needs "more". I like the fact that you can give feedback to the author but the conclusion page lacked closure. It was very short and I would add something to that as well.

1 comment:

  1. This WebQuest needs to take better advantage of the Internet. They can watch a video of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
    There are lots of different videos. Then maybe they could use PowerPoint or PhotoStory to create their own alphabet book by finding pictures on the Internet.. one for each letter of the alphabet. Each kids can do one letter and make a whole class PhotoStory...just an idea....
